La Pùntcrap / The Hidden Waterfall | Lia Rumantscha

La Pùntcrap / The Hidden Waterfall

La Pùntcrap / The Hidden Waterfall

Margret Rettich
CHF 24.50

L'istorgia da la cascada
... c'â purto furtuna agl Christian Pitschen Melchior, cur ca lez carteva da ver pears ella.

La Pùntcrap e igl num rumàntsch da la tgavorgia davains Andeer. Que cudesch descriva la scuvierta da la cascada a l'istorgia da la famiglia Pitschen Melchior; co ella â stuieu bandunar igl albiert an las muntognas gischùnas par sarender an l'America, noua c'i ân ancuretg egna nova existenza;co els en turnos ad ân scuviert egna cascada zupada, ca â alura purto furtuna a la famiglia.

The story of the waterfall
... that brought Christian Pitschen Melchior luck when he thought it was lost.

La Pùntcrap ("The Stone Bridge") is the Rhaeto-Romanic name of the canyon nearby the village of Andeer in the Val Schons valley in the Swiss canton of Graubünden. This book tells the true story of how the waterfall was discovered and the history of the Pitschen Melchior family. How the family had to abandon their inn in the Swiss mountains and emigrate to America in search of a new life. How they came back home and discovered a hidden waterfall, which brought the family luck. Rhaeto-Romanic is the family's native language and it is still spoken in the Val Schons valley.

detagls davart l’artitgel


cudeschs per uffants e giuvenils

onn da publicaziun





chasa editura

Uniùn Sutselva rumàntscha / Baeschlin Verlag 2023

